

Pengen nulis apa yah sekarang..

Posted by YAZID RIDLA the inspirational leader On Rabu, Februari 20, 2013 No comments

hellow... akhirnya gw membuat tulisan perdana gw buat majalah. tulisan gw tentang himpunan mahasiswa oseanografi masuk ke majalah TRITON ini linknya biar bisa baca baca sambil online: http://issuu.com/hmotritonitb/docs/majalah_hmo_triton_itb setelah berdiskusi ternyata ada isu isu bagus njih buat gw kaji terkait laut - ocean warming - ocean acidification - ocean deoxygenation - The Risks of Extreme Weather and Slow Onset Events in Indonesia - Indonesia, rank 9 of 10 most vulnerable nations to food security threats due to climate change impacts on fisheries (Matthew Huelsenbeck, Oceana, 2012) - Indonesia, rank 23 of 50 most vulnerable nations to food security threats from climate change and ocean acidification impacts on seafood availability (Matthew Huelsenbeck, Oceana, 2012) oke besok besok gw akan memperkaya wawasan gw tentang laut karena gw oseanografer

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